Thursday, June 23, 2011

****WARNING: Not for the faint of heart****

So, Tuesday evening I was sitting here at my dining room table, perusing the internet and I noticed my kitty Glen staring intently out the window as he often does when there are birds out there. He wasn't chattering though, as he usually does when birds are out there, and he was sitting so very tall and he was really tense. I said to him "Glen, you turdle. Leave those birdies alone." He did not even glance at me. So, curiosity got the better of me and I got up to see what kind of bird had him in such an intense mood. BIG MISTAKE. What I saw haunts me. I saw the last 12" of a snake tail going between the slats on my deck. A SNAKE WAS ON MY DECK!!!!!! And it was not a little garter snake. was a rather LARGE (it was at least the size of a silver dollar wide) and brown. I think it was a corn snake, but I could be wrong. I am not going to go google it because I would end up smashing my computer at its sight. So I learned some very important lessons.

1. Ignorance TRULY is bliss.
2. I should not concern myself with what my cats are looking at.
3. Curiosity does not kill cats, but it does FREAK THE CRAP out of a cats owner.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Oh Tonja, I am so very sorry that you saw that. I know how much snakes freak you out. He was just trying to get to the cornfield across the road and took a wrong turn. He wont be back.