Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today is the epitome of a melancholy day for me. It has been a fairly relaxing, uneventful day, yet strangely unsatisfying. I am sure some of that is hormonal. I just have an urge to buck tradition. Take my kids and just go. Experience things. Enjoy each other. I mean, who says we have to work 40 hours a week, and have to live in a house, and drive a nice car, and so on and so on and so on, just to be "successful" and "happy". And then there is the fact that my darling boy is sick. It's one thing after another. A month ago, his asthmas was bad. That cleared up, then on Wednesday of this past week, strep. Then Friday of this past week, ear infection. Today, his asthma is acting up, and he either has a cold in his eyes, or pink eye. It is a little bit ridiculous. Perhaps it is the time of year. It is the time of year when I lost my dad. It is the time of year that Will made the decisions that got me where I am today. It is strange, because traditionally Spring is a time of hope. But for me, personally, it is a time of great sadness. It's not that I even dwell on these things. It seems that the emotions are just there. Phantom feelings.

A Better Ressurection by Christina Rossetti
I have no wit, no words, no tears;
My heart within me like a stone
Is numbed too much for hopes or fears.
Look right, look left, I dwell alone;
I lift mine eyes, but dimmed with grief
No everlasting hills I see;
My life is in the falling leaf:
O Jesus, quicken me.

My life is like a faded leaf,
My harvest dwindled to a husk:
Truly my life is void and brief
And tedious in the barren dusk;
My life is like a frozen thing,
No bud nor greenness can I see:
Yet rise it shall--the sap of spring;
O Jesus, rise in me.

My life is like a broken bowl,
A broken bowl that cannot hold
One drop of water for my soul
Or cordial in the searching cold;
Cast in the fire the perished thing;
Melt and remould it, till it be
A royal cup for Him, my King:
O Jesus, drink of me.


Sandi said...

My dear Tonja,,, I am sorry that you are feeling so broken and sad. I wish I had "those words" that would wash away all the feelings that are making you feel so down. But Mom or not, I have not the power to do that. I do pray for you. There are days that I too wonder "where are you Lord?" but then I look into the Bible or take time to meditate and pray and I get a glimpse of where He is. And realize the fact that he IS standing near. We live in this world where he told us in His word that we WOULD have trouble, not that we might have trouble. I pray that you will come through this valley soon. That the soft breezes of spring, and the glimpses of life returning to the hard earth will help your spirit rise and soar once again. I love you Tonja. I always will

Sandi said...

I found this poem. I hope it gives YOU hope
Love, Mom

When We Let Him Have Control

Why is it as though
We struggle so much
And live in constant despair?
We don't need to carry
Such burdensome loads
But should go to God in prayer

Give Him your burdens
And all of your hurts
Just lay them at His feet
He's such a big God
He can handle it all
And watches over His sheep

He cares so much more
Than we'll ever know
And just wants the best for our lives
Each one of his children
Has so much potential
If we’ll only begin to rise

To be all that God
Has intended us to be
To walk through His open doors
We need to stay focused
And open to God
And put our trust in the Lord

For when we all come
To realize God's love
Our hurts will not have a hold
For God's love will cover
And free us from fear
As we give Him total control.

© By M.S.Lowndes