Monday, October 11, 2010


What a night. I spent 2 hours at Urgent Care because Luke fell off the monkey bars. He said it really really hurt. All it was is the wind was knocked out of him, and I KNEW that, but I kept thinking, "what if I am wrong? What if he has a punctured lung, or a cracked vertebrae?" Of course he did not. And all Abbe did the whole time is complain because she was bored and hungry. And then the Vikes lost. And, I just feel like Eyeore. I've got a little rain cloud hovering over my head. I guess that means I should get to bed. Oh, and this is the second Monday in a row I have spent my evening at Urgent Care. Last week it was for Abbe who fell off a skateboard and landed on her hand. Again, my mom instinct said it was fine, but she complained loudly, so against my better judgment I went. I know being sure your child is not seriously injured is not exactly a waste of time, but when a person has as busy a life as I do, it sure does feel like it. Good night.

