Thursday, September 18, 2008

God is Amazing!!!

So, I know I left a lot of question marks in your brains after my last post, and I do thank you for your prayers. They worked. I know it is "wrong?" to ask God for signs. But I did. And he gave them to me. I will quickly outline the last few days.

Will was back in his cycle, and playing games and being manipulative.

I had enough, and knew I had to speak frankly with Will about my feelings, and be willing to leave the relationship if he could or would not hear me. I prayed and told God that when I went to talk to Will on Saturday, if he did as he usually did (blame and manipulate) then I was going to tell Will we needed to divorce. If, however, he acted in a calm, civilized manner, and listened to me, then I would know that God did not wish for me to leave.

The next day, Will called me at work. He was calm. He was rational. He wanted to talk. We did. He listened to me and did not blame or manipulate. I didn't leave him.

Things are not perfect, nor do I ever expect them to be, but I am grateful I have a God who hears me and cares about me.

Thanks for your prayers.

Love, Tonja

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Life? !

I am feeling like I am at a crossroads. It is one of those times where you have been fighting and fighting against the stark truth you know deep down inside, but I guess hoping that if you ignore it, it will go away. And it is scary to finally acknowledge the truth openly. I have no idea what the future holds, but I have to believe it can only get better.

Pray for me, if you think of it. I could really use it.

Love, Tonja

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School - 2008

Here are all 3 of my kiddos who are "going off to school".

Issa, first day of college.
Luke, first day of kindegarten.

Issa, bright and early, ready to conquer the world....
or at least algebra, english, chemistry, freshman orientation and choir!

Emma. She did her coursework for the week at midnight, so she's sleeping in a bit. So far so good...Way to go Emma!

First day of school 2008.
Hot and humid. (we reached our first 90 degree day today).
First day of school outfits....altered to something a little cooler.

With their backpacks all filled with all kinds of good things,
Abbe and Luke could NOT wait to get going!
Not a bad word to be said by anyone of this first day of school.
Each and every one is excited to return tomorrow.
Love, Tonja